In Episode 3, Greg and Joey let the listeners be the judge of whether or not their stories are funny.
- Cape Lookout National Seashore — where Greg was for his fishing trip
- Wendell, NC — includes history of how the town was named
- Oliver Wendell Douglass
- Twinset Designs Podcast
- Down Cellar Studio Podcast
- Knitter’s Pride Karbonz
- Four-Stitch Ribbing Patterns by Charlene Schurch from the Sensational Knitted Socks
(affiliate link) book — Joey’s sock that will never end
- Greg’s Scrappy Sock Yarn Preemie Hat pattern
- View From The Charles shawl by Jennifer Lassonde — added as a prize for the #ScrappyPreemieHatKAL
- Knitting Daddy Designs Ravelry Group
- #ScrappyPreemieHatKAL Chatter and FO threads
- Knitted Crown For Little Girls On Double Pointed Needles — Joey’s crown
- Skinny Triangle Scarf — scarf for Greg’s mom
- Basic Socks a la Jeanne by Jeanne Shrader — socks Greg is knitting for his mom
- Gramma’s Dishcloth (Grandmother’s 2nd Favorite) by PJ Allen — Greg’s favorite basic dishcloth pattern
- Grandmother’s Favorite Dishcloth by Ponies & Purls
- Clicks & Sticks Knitting Guild — Joey’s knitting guild
- Stitches South
- Knitting To The Rescue! — the story of Greg’s Fishcloth Dishcloth
Listen To the Episode
Joey’s crown:
One of Joey’s preemie hats, from Greg’s pattern:
Greg rips out the too-narrow heel flap on him mom’s sock:
Greg knitting the Fishcloth Dishcloth while driving down the coast before fishing for the day (November 2013):
The Fishcloth Dishcloth:
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This post contains affiliate links. That means that if you click on a link to Craftsy, Cooperative Press, or Amazon and subsequently make a purchase, we’ll receive a small commission from the sale. You pay the same, and the commissions will help cover our podcasting expenses. Our opinions are always our own, and we’re never compensated to endorse any particular product or service.
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- Greg is KnittingDaddy on Ravelry, and also writes the KnittingDaddy blog.
- Joey is joeygibson on Ravelry, and also writes Joey Gibson’s Blog.